Saturday, July 28, 2018

Happy camp to Bear Loon Lake 7-28-2018

We woke up to fog in Happy Camp.

 Time to leave Happy Camp, and head to Bear Loon Lake.

Took a break at Deep Lake

The Gorge was beautiful.  Everything up to, and beyond was as well!

Next break was a Lindemen Lake.  The campground here was closed to hikers because of bear activity.  We needed to take a break, and there was a outhouse here, so we stopped, but we knew we were being watched, by bears!

We arrived at Bear Loon Lake.  We were very hot, and very tired!  The lake was calling our we all went for a swim.  Our campsite was amazing!

We made a bunch of new friends on the trail.  Here is Molly and Ken from Virginia.  The girl on the left works and lives in Juneau, and is a 1st cousin to Caitlyn's officemate.  We also became fond of the father and daughter from Canada, the Germans, and the "Czech Mix".

Good bye to Bear Loon Lake, on to Bennett, British Colombia, Canada