Friday, July 27, 2018

7-26-2018 Sheep Camp to Happy Camp. 7.5 Miles. THE PASS!!!

We got up fairly early, and left Sheep Camp, headed for Happy Camp.  To get to Happy Camp, not only did we have to hike 7.5 miles, but we had to hike the Golden Staircase.  40 % grade.  Crazy steep!  This is a picture from around 1896.  On the day we hiked it, there was so much fog you couldn't see all of it....which may have been a good thing!  I read that during the winter, they cut stairs in the snow, but if you went in the summer, you had to "boulder" your way through.  Yep, that's what we got to do, boulder our way through!

 From Sheep Camp, it was a steady up hill.

The pass was covered in fog, so we couldn't see what we were about to climb!

 This is the scales, from here to the top, there is no trail, just get to the top!


Caitlyn.  She made it!!!

 We made it!  Here we are at the summit!

 I am officially in Canada.
  The markers as to where you are to go changed from orange poles on the US side, to orange flags on the Canada side!
Guys, Canada was cold!
 At the summit, there is a warming hut.  The night before, in the instructions the Ranger gave, he told us to keep our packs outside, so there would be room for people inside, so we would all have a chance to warm up before continuing on to Happy camp.  That only works if you are the first ones up, and if you understand English.  Our friends from Czechoslovikia, we called them "the Czechs mix" got to the warming hut first, and they, along with all their packs
are on the inside, while the slow Americans are freezing on the outside!  (they were really nice people, and tried to teach us some greetings, but they weren't my favorite people at the warming hut!)

While we were trying to warm up, the fog lifted, and this amazing site came into view!  We had no idea there was this beautiful lake down there!

 And then as fast as it cleared, the fog rolled in again, and the summit and warming hut were out of view.

The river crossing were crazy.  At first, we just tried to stay dry, and walk on strategically placed rocks.  We gave up on that and just tried not to get washed away by fast moving water! 

I had planned to have Creme Brulee at the summit, but it was so stinking cold, so when we dropped down and had a little shelter from the wind, I treated everyone to some freeze dried Creme Brulee!

 This water fall was amazing!  All the scenery was so different from anything I have ever seen.  And so different from what was on the US side of the pass.

 This is Happy Camp!  I was so happy to be here!  Our tent platforms were facing the river.  It was finally warm, and we stopped hiking!  Life is awesome at Happy Camp!

 Inside the warming hut at Happy Camp, there was a notebook, that you were suppose to sign in when you got there.  I did first, and then my lovely hiking buddies, chose to add to my entry.  (This becomes important at the next camp)