Sunday, December 28, 2008

Ugly Sweaters and Nog Party

Are these sweaters ugly or what ?!

The Ellis Family's Ugly Sweater and Nog party, and man were there a lot of ugly sweaters!

Amanda and Mike

..and thanks to Caitlyn, plenty of yummy nog.

Caitlyn and EJ counting the votes for the Ugliest Sweater, and the winner is........BRADEN!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Caitlyn found this tin in an antiques's exactly like Grandma Ellis', you know, the one that ALWAYS has candy in it! I hope mine works like hers! Caitlyn gave Dean this antique Dr. Pepper bottle.

Amanda made "Jammie pants" for all the guys. Mike was pretty excited about his Lionel Richie record Caitlyn got him, and the mini manequins were a huge hit!

Caitlyn is reading about the many things she should do before she dies. Amanda made these really cool hats for Caitlyn and EJ, and Braden finally got something with Dixie College on it, better late than never, right?

It definitely was a white Christmas at our house! Braden and Dean shoveled repeatedly trying to clear the walks before the Jensons and Christensens came over for a turkey lunch.

Oops, maybe should have taken the picture of the lovely turkey about 5 minute earlier! It was a thing of beauty!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Volleyball Team- "Mixed Nuts"

Last night was the championship game in our league tournament. We won! We all got $10 gift cards from does that mean we are pro now? This picture is the team from this year's Moab tournament. I forgot my camera last night, ...had other things on my mind. 5 of us are the same, the girl on the front left, and the girl on the back left didn't play on this team, and we picked up Ali from New Zealand. Samoa, Tonga, and New Zealand are represented on this team, and of course the two token white girls.