Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maryland, Day 3

Today we went to church at the Kensington, Spanish speaking ward. Um....I didn't get a lot out of it, but I was able to take the Sacrament. Reminded me of the feeling I had attending church in Honduras. Told Amanda to let me know if they said anything I should know about.

After church, we decided it was time for Dexter's first hair cut!
He has a few long hairs left over from the batch of hair he had at birth. Kind of looked a little funny...ok, looked really funny. So Amanda got out the scissors and gave him a trim.

Here are the before and after pictures.

I thought it was kind of funny to only show the back of Dexter's head on his first haircut, so had to take this picture of his face, even though we didn't do anything to the front.

So you might notice he is sucking on his bottom lip. That is something he started doing today, and he thinks it's pretty funny when he does it.

He had several firsts today. This morning he finally caught the hanging banana! We were so excited that he finally did it. By this evening, he was good enough to grab it and stick it in his mouth! Sorry these videos are so crappy, but it's the best my little camera can do. The other video, is also something he started doing today, and is pretty darn proud of himself, he jumps and jumps and jumps, and then stops! It's like he is doing a dismount, and trying to stick it. He concentrates so hard on "sticking it".

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That is a very cool jumping contraption! He must be a future gymnast! I love having you there to get us good coverage of each new first!