Sunday, August 22, 2010

Boating and the Hobblecreek Half Marathon

Friday, August 20, 2010
The Francis Family
Time to see if Dex likes boating!

Grandpa Deaner

Dex in his cute bucket hat and life jacket. He is so ready to go boating!

Grandma and Dex

Dex hates the sun in his eyes!

This is Amanda's first time skiing since before she was pregnant with Dex. She got up on her first try and skied like a pro! Good Job Amanda!

Dex and his daddy

Amanda made this bed for Dex under the dashboard. Here he is just chillin' out.

Mike's turn, he preferred the wake board...we'll work on converting him to skiing.

I love this picture, Mike has fallen, but still has a hold of the rope. I don't thing you are going to save this one Mike!

I decided to try skiing wearing Dean's swim goggles. It was great for pulling up, I kept my eyes open so I could keep my ski straight. Skiing with them is a different story, you can't see the water clear enough to tell whether it is smooth or not.
Grandma Ellis in her cool goggles!

After we skied, we met up with Caitlyn and went to pizza with Greg and Teri and Deena. It was a really fun and full day, (we had attended Education Week in the morning, and a wedding reception after pizza) but we had to get up early the next morning for a race. Pizza and water skiing, not sure that was the best pre-run activity. Oh well. We had to get up at 4 a.m., to be in Mapleton by 5 a.m. to catch the bus up to the start line. This was a great race! The scenery was amazing, the weather perfect, no injuries for either of us....

Dean got a PR (personal record). His goal was to beat 1:40. He got 1:38! Great run Dean!

My plan was to run a comfortable pace, take walk breaks, and see what kind of time I would get. I got a PW (personal worst)! So apparently running a race at a comfortable pace isn't the best idea to improve your pain no gain! I did enjoy the run, and I don't have a single sore muscle or blister, and I have a slow time to go along with it.

Ej and Deaner right after the race. All women finishers get a flower.

Tyler got a PR. Here he is pictured with his cute family that greets him at every finish line. Thanks for sharing your photos Michelle!


mommaquincy said...

Way to go Amanda! You look great! The googles look nice Erika! The race looks very nice! I'm glad your knee was fine!

bethany said...

You guys are cool. I thought that Erika was Amanda in that pic of you holding Dex in the boat. Looks fun!

mammasweet said...

You guys are cool! Water-skiing is more fun than running. Always was, always will be.