Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Back in Winchester, VA

Like I said in the previous post, yesterday didn't end until 4 a.m.! We had to leave Kensington at 7:30 a.m. to get Dexter to his doctor's appointment by 10:30 a.m. in Winchester. Bad day for Dexter, he had to get his shots. We also found out that he is in the 75th percentile of both height and weight. Pretty healthy kid!
So this is how the day went. Got up early, with car fully loaded, including suitcase tied to top of car. Checked with hotel, were able to check in early, so unloaded a bunch of stuff at the hotel. Then Amanda dropped me and Mike off at the truck rental place, while she took Dex to the doctor. Then Mike and I headed over to the storage unit, to load the rental truck.

This was pretty cool. Their storage unit was on the 2nd floor, so you load the carts, and put them in this elevator. Then roll the carts out to to loading dock. Doesn't take much to entertain me!
Manda came over to the storage unit, got me, we picked up lunch, and Manda dropped me and Dex off at the hotel, while she and Mike finished loading the truck. Dex wasn't feeling to hot, so he and I hung out at the hotel all day, while Mike and Manda took the loaded truck up to Hagerstown where the company that is going to drive their stuff out to Utah is located. They unloaded the truck into the "pod" and got back to the hotel around 7 p.m. Those guys worked their tail's off all day long!
Here is Dex and his fancy bandage. I don't think he thought it was worth it. He wasn't himself all day...kind of ticked off at us that we would let people poke him. Happy to report he was much happier this evening. Hopefully he will have forgiven us and will be in a good mood for the long plane ride he and I have tomorrow!

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Dean got shots yesterday, too! One of those necessary evils!