Monday, July 12, 2010

Blaze game

My niece Chenelle is an amazing dancer. She is one of the Blaze Dancers, so she got us tickets for the last Blaze game of the season. I have to admit, it was a little different, but we had a blast!
On a side note, Chenelle made it to the final cuts for the Jazz Dancers, so if you would like to vote for her, and see the other girls that made it so far, go to She's the second to last one on the bottom row.

How does one explain Caitlyn?

I had never heard of a funnel cake before we went out to visit Amanda and Mike out in Virginia. We had our first experience with the funnel cakes at the Apple Blossom Festival. Since then, I have seen them up at the Canyons, at the end of the Ragnar race, and now at the E-Center they were selling them! Braden is really enjoying this one with chocolate and powdered sugar.

It was a family affair, my mom and dad were there, Janna and her family went, Dianna, and Kendra and her family. We had a blast! Pictured: Janna and Erika (plus Dean's and Dan's shoulders).
I love pictures of myself taken with a cell phone!

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

You guys are turning into to quite the sports fans!