Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"tender mercy"

Last night we decided to go to the Bees game. Dean and Braden had won tickets, and there were going to be fireworks after the game, so away we went.
Great place to people watch. (the lady in the row in front us us apparently likes to people watch too!) We started trying to guess when we saw a baby, if it was bigger or littler, older or younger than "our baby" (Don't know why we don't call him Dex, but we refer to him as "our baby")
There were a few babies there that seemed the same age, but we weren't close enough to ask.
The game got over, and people started moving around to get better seats to watch the fireworks. The row in front of us cleared out and one of the babies we had been guessing about came up (with her father) and sat in the row in front of us.

I had to know! So I asked the man, how old is the baby. "she's 3 months" he replied. Not a good enough answer for me, so I asked, "oh, when is her birthday?" "March 10" was his reply.... "but she's a big baby, almost 15 pounds".
Boy did we nail that one or what?! Dex's birthday is also March 10! I'm so calling Amanda to see how much Dex weighs!
(Update: text from Amanda says "Not sure. Last time I checked he was about 15 lbs")
Having that guy sit there with the baby exactly the same age as Dex was so cool. We miss "our baby" so much. I think having this guy come sit by us during the fireworks is what Elder Bednar refers to as a "tender mercy" Here is a picture of Dex watching fireworks the night before in Washington DC.
We love "our baby"!


mommaquincy said...

Almost like being there with him!

Caitlyn said...

Cute post, ma. Though I must say my favorite part is the cup of beer about to be dumped on braden's head. Maybe we were at a BYU vs UofU game and didn't know it!

mammasweet said...

Dex is going to have a great year - all those 'firsts'. You'll be wanting to see him for his first Halloween, first Christmas, etc....