Monday, March 23, 2009

The Caribbean Princess March 15-22, 2009

This was "Home Sweet Home" for the last 8 days. We left Salt Lake City Saturday Night, and arrived in San Juan Puerto Rico Sunday Morning around noon. Everything went real smooth, and we were on the ship around 2 pm. The rest of the day was spent exploring the ship, and sleeping. We had flown through the night, with a 2 hour layover in Atlanta, so catching up on sleep felt great, and made it so we were ready to face the days ahead!

This is the view out our balcony of Old Town (Puerto Rico). We were about to start our cruise to the West Indies, Lesser Antillies, or Southern Caribbean, which ever you would like to call it.


mommaquincy said...

that water looks so inviting! soo blue! Were my friends the Robinsons on your cruise?

Erika Ellis said...

We met a lady from South Jordan named Julie, had all her kids home from missions so they were doing a family trip....didn't find out their last name.

AAdams said...

I am so jealous. You guys have all the fun! Miss you. AA