Saturday, August 12, 2017

8/12/2017 Naomi Peak and Bridger Peak

Time to "bag" another couple of county high points!
 Trailhead for Naomi Peak.  
Highest point in Cache County
That's it in the center of this picture.

 We hike all the way to the peak, only to find someone has taken the marker!

 Amazing views every direction!

I dare to pose with my poles in there air when there isn't lightning close by!

These chipmunks are a little demanding.  It wanted food.  I guess it's used to people being up here.

 ...and here we have Ellis Law office.  

Now on to Bridger Peak.
Highest peak in Rich county.
This was a hard hike!  Not only because we had hiked eight miles already, but it was much steeper than I expected.  For about a half a mile, there was an abandoned ATV trail, but when it ended, there was no trail!
 It did get flat on top.  Then we just had to find where the highest point was marked!

 I found a view of Bear Lake.

 Dean found the marker, but was on the phone so couldn't tell me to stop looking!

 So there you have it, the highest point in Rich County.

 There so many of these butterflies on this hike.

 So, I'm not real good at "bushwhacking".  Cut up my leg pretty good.

We couldn't resist driving down to Bear Lake to visit Odette.  That bump on the skyline right above Dean's head was the one we hiked.

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