Saturday, June 23, 2012


This morning Dean ran his first Triathlon! 

It was in Honeyville, Utah.  

 Josh Quincy told Dean about it.  Here is Josh finishing strong!

 Josh's cute wife Meg.  She is just a little happy to be done, don't ya think?!

 This is Dean's sister taking pictures of her husband Richard at the finish line.  Good job Richard!

These guys are so cool!

After the tri, we hurried home to witness a sealing at the Oquirrh Mt. temple.  The couple was supposed to be sealed on July 7, but the wife isn't supposed to live that long, so they had to move it up to today.  Very interesting experience to say the least.
From there, I went and had lunch with my brother Jeff who is in from out of town, and we went and watched our niece Kass play a soccer game.
Then home to attend our stake conference.  Dean did an awesome job, as did his counselors. 
Busy day, I'm sure we will be sleeping well tonight.....probably not Dean till tomorrow's meetings are over, but I will!

Pictures from the triathlon.

As we drove out of town we drove right past the new Brigham City temple!  Awesome building!


mommaquincy said...

GReat shots! Thanks! And Dean said he was going to rest yesterday!

mommaquincy said...

Thanks for posting the rest of the pictures! They are great!

Jessica said...

I wonder what percentage of your posts are from racing events... probably a lot! You guys are so awesome, you'll never age. I of course enjoyed seeing pictures of my family as well.

Meg & Josh said...

Erika, you are awesome! We were so glad you and Dean could make it, and WAY TO GO DEAN! Thanks for all the great pictures, and always, the company. And, yes, I was extrememly happy to finish. :)