Sunday, March 25, 2012


Caitlyn is one of the coolest people ever!
She invited us out to dinner at her house tonight, it was awesome. 

Carl and Caitlyn
Carl owns the house Caitlyn lives in.  He lives on the main floor, and Caitlyn and her friend live in the basement apartment. 
Watching her interact with Carl is so cool.  She is so kind to Carl.  He lights up when he notices she is coming up to talk to him.  He is the cutest 90 year old man, but watching how tender she is with him is awesome.

 City Creek Center opened this last week, and since Caitlyn is so "with it", she decided she would take us on a tour.  She has her fancy-smancy parking pass, and knows her way around downtown.  I highly recommend Caitlyn as a tour guide, did I mention she is amazing!

Here is Caitlyn in the City Creek Center, pointing to her's on the 9th floor of the Eagle Gate Tower.
It made me so happy to spend the evening with Caitlyn.


Caitlyn said...

Oh, ma, thanks. You're the best. Thanks for the fun evening!

mommaquincy said...

Nice to see that Carl is still smiling! I need a tour guide for the City Creek Center!