Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

 Krista invited us over for dinner tonight.  We had a great time!  This is Krista and her crazy cat.  The cat  just sits there and stares at his reflection.

 When it was time to leave Krista's house, it was a blizzard.  We had to change our route home because highway 111 was so slippery!  After we got onto safer roads I tried to figure out how to take pictures of it snowing in the dark.  I ended up cranking up my iso to 3200, setting my f-stop at 1.4.  Kind of grainy, so I'll have to read up on a better way to take this kind of a photo. 
I was taking all these pictures from a moving car, which didn't help at all. 

Nobody had driven down our street since it started snowing.  It looked so peaceful.


Aileen said...

How beautiful, thanks again, but we are melting in the heat today.

mommaquincy said...

How cool! And I slept through that!