Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 27

So let me explain....
 I've been trying to improve my photos, and I wanted to practice.
Dean was trying to be a good sport about it, but he really wasn't having a good time.  While I would change settings, try putting the "off camera flash" in different locations, push the timer and run over and pose for the picture, Dean would work on his computer, and then close it right before the picture was taken.  I still couldn't get the focus as crisp as I wanted.  The result, a picture with pretty good lighting, and forced smiles on both of us.  On the bright side, slightly out of focus, or "soft focus", makes it harder to see our wrinkles.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, it was 1:30 in the morning.

Gave up on that.

I found a willing subject....well, that may not be quite accurate, but I found if I let Dex watch the video "the wheels on the bus",  I got 3 minutes of uninterrupted shutter snapping!  (I may have pushed replay a few times)
I am pretty happy about these pictures! 

Not that they are great pictures, but check out how sharp the focus on his eye closest to the camera is!

When it's enlarged, you can see every eyelash.
That made me happy! 


mommaquincy said...

Nice work! Dean is a trooper!

Summer said...

Wow, you look that good at 1:30 in the morning! That's the amazing part, and your pictures are great too. I need you to come out here so you can do our family photos. We've never had them done. Does that make you feel bad, and really want to come?! It should.

Erika Ellis said...

Summer, that would be a blast to take a trip out to visit you, and there are those cute little kids I could practice on....hummmm.....going to have to look into that!

Banana said...

Were the pictures of Dex at 1:30am also?

Camilla and Darwin said...

I have an interesting time trying to get both eyes in focus. I love to put my camera on AV mode and shoot at f/1.8 because it allows you to shoot great shots indoors. The downside is that part of the face is usually out of focus. It's a toss up.

I love the portrait of you and Dean!