Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Waterskiing at Utah Lake

Family night at Utah lake. May 18, 2009.... the day Chad got engaged...congrats Chad and Amber! Makes you wonder why Chad is spending it with Braden....and where's Amber? Oh well, she gets him for the rest of his life, and then some!

Oh yeah, he's cool!

Great skiing Braden! We had perfect water, no wind, and very few boats.

Deaners still got it! Even at 50. He skis like a 48 1/2 year old!

Dean didn't like these pictures because of his bent arms....but I had fun playing with the light behind him. I've been told never to let the sun into your lens, but look how cool of a photo it made.

Chad did awesome....got up on one ski!

For the record, I did ski, but my photography is much better than my skiing, and there's still a lot of room for improvement there!


mammasweet said...

Wow! You look like professionals. How did you do at the Kanab 10K?

mommaquincy said...

Im not sure if the skiing or photography are better, but they are both great!

Jessica said...

You make me want to ski. Your photography is just so inspiring! I agree, the light in your lens made some cool pics.