Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ft. Herriman 5k

Today was the Ft. Herriman Stake 5k. Ej ran it in 25:32, Dean ran it in 21:42, and Braden in 20:52. There were just over 100 participants. They didn't do age divisions...Dean and I were the oldest people running it! Braden took 2nd over all, and Dean placed 3 over all. Ej took 3rd in overall women. It was a fun race.


mommaquincy said...

Way to go! When's the next one?

Erika Ellis said...

Next race, Nestle 5k in Springville...our whole family (except Mike) will be running that one on June 6. Then on June 19-20 we have the Wasatch Back. I'm nervous about that's 18.4 miles.

G'ma J said...

The rules say we have to get older, nowhere does it say we have to grow up! That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. You just keep on being kids as long as you can. What fun examples you are to all!

Jessica said...

Congrats! You guys are fast, what's Braden's pace? That's under 7 min right? Good work. It's got to feel good to place so high!! I just placed 6672 overall in my 10k this morning... not quite the same. :) Although that was out of over 54,000 people. You should come run it with me next year! It's an awesome race, 2nd biggest in the US.

Manda said...

Hey, is this the same race we did last year? The one dad and I ran together? Man, it would be cool if I could still keep time with the Deaner!

chel wakley said...

Heya there is a 5k on June 6th in draper park it starts and ends there. It is for my cousins (cousin) she need her third heart surgery at the age of 10 so sad. But all of the proceeds go to their family to help. It is $20 a person if you guys want to run. I can get you the info if you are interested.