Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dean Turns 50

We got to share Dean's birthday dinner with the Learys! How cool is that?!

Below, Grandma was so proud of the book she found for $1.49, that she left the price tag on so everyone could see!

.....then we had to hurry home for a party with a few neighbors.

We had a great time visiting with the Perrys, Mendenhalls, Himmers, Lignells, President and Sister Nielsen and Kevin Guest. We have awesome friends!


Manda said...

Looks like fun! I'm sad I couldn't be there. Tell dad to call me back when he gets a chance to stop partying for a second!!!

mommaquincy said...

Such party animals! I'm glad you got lots of celebrating in! Are Braden and Caitlyn home for the summer?

Erika Ellis said...

Braden is home for the summer, but Caitlyn is staying up in Logan. Do you get Jack home for the summer?

Melanie & David said...

Congrats, Old Man! Do you realize that Dean was almost old enough to vote when I was born?? I always say, it's great to surround yourself with cousins who make you feel young--so thanks, Dean! I love that Aunt Mary left that price tag on--it's such an Aunt Rosemary thing to do!! Love you guys!