Sunday, May 31, 2009

Timing is everything

Yesterday I had Dean drop me off at the mouth of Butterfield Canyon and I would run home from there. By doing that, I could get my needed miles in, and run through that very beautiful part of Herriman. I had decided that I wouldn't look at my watch during the run so I would run at a comfortable pace that I could maintain, not trying to push for a fast time. I needed to know what that pace was when I had finished. Without looking at my watch, I hit the stop button when I got to my driveway.....check this out! I don't think I could have done this if I had tried! Right down to the seconds! FYI, it takes one hour to do that run.


mommaquincy said...

Now that sounds like a person who is at one with her body and a natural runner! That is one for the record books1

Jessica said...

What are the chances? You don't ever post your times on here (rather times with distances) but I would venture a guess that you could KICK MY BUTT!! You are amazing.