Thursday, August 15, 2019

Deer Creek and more 8/12/19

Of the 5 days they were here, this is in the top 5!
 I had pictured each of the kids catching a fish.  I love to fish from the paddle boat.  Well, didn't go as planned.  The 2 lines got tangled right off.  Dex was supposed to help me paddle, but struggled with it.  Wind came up and blew us down the lake a little farther than I wanted to go, so I had to paddle super hard against the wind.  All with a smile on my face so the kids would think it was fun!
 If you look close, you can see Nora fishing off the back of the paddle boat, with just the net!  She totally gave up on the fishing pole.  She was disappointed the net didn't catch fish either!
And yes, that is Braden in the background riding the hot dog.

 Grandma Ej and her fishing buddy Rex!

 Miles was rocking out, and Nora was trying to nap, yes in that position!

 Rex is cool

 The Hot Dog was a hit!
Mike, Dex and Nora taking a turn.

 Grandma Ej and Miles

 Miles, Nora, and Dex

 Livy trying to decide if that looks fun or not.

 Braden with Rex on his shoulders, and Livy in front.  Once Livy tried it, there was no getting her off!

 Rex and Miles

Home to Grandma's.
 Perler Beads and face painting! 

Nora was super proud of her kitty face. Livy got discouraged with her purple face and let Grandma draw flowers on her.
Another fun day with our family!

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