Friday, August 2, 2019

Lucy Ellis is here! 7-23-2019

Lucy Ellis was born July 23, 2019 at 12:05 pm. 
 We are so excited to welcome her to the family!
Livy and Rex showing off their cool wristbands.

Rex isn't sure this was a great idea.

The night before Lucy was born, I had helped with a sick baby, that may have had a virus.  So to be safe, I kept a good distance between me and Lucy (except to get this picture!)

 Livy, Lucy, and their daddy Braden.

 Livy was ready to jump right in and help.

 Rex was more interested in the "donut" than the new baby sister!

 If I stayed covered up, I could hold Lucy.  I wasn't sick, but just in case, we played it safe.

Great Grandma Jenson and Lucy

4 Generations of Burns blood.

Meeting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Ellis.  Lucy shares a birthday with her Great Grandma, Mary Ellis.
4 generations of Ellis/Bay blood.

 After 4 days of no signs of being sick, I got to snuggle Lucy! 

 Lucy, we think you are awesome!

1 comment:

Aileen & Ernie said...

She looks so very tiny.

Beautiful photos of a beautiful family.