Thursday, September 12, 2019

Alaska 9-12-2019

Back in Juneau!  Caitlyn picked me up from the airport in one of her huge buses!  I felt pretty important!  She had to continue giving tours, and I went back to her house to unpack.  From her house I got to watch the tide come in.

I drove out to the glacier.  Hiking out to Nugget Falls is one of my favorite things to do.  It was raining so I pretty much had it all to myself.  There was a bear on the trail on the way out, so the ranger made me wait a few minutes till the bear was off the trail.

Across the road from the glacier, I spotted this bear. (see above picture) It was on the "Trail of Time", and I figured it was headed to the bridge.  We often see bears at the bridge, so I headed over that way, hoping to get some cool pictures of this bear.  As I approached the bridge, I saw the bear go down the bank and into the stream.  I figured it would come out on the other side of the bridge, so I positioned myself for a great photo.  I waited, and no bear.  Looking for the bear on the other side of the bridge, I looked down, and I was directly above the bear!  It had stopped under the bridge!  It's snout was maybe 3 feet from my feet!  Scared me to death!  I quietly backed off the bridge, and the bear got out on the bank on the other side.  I was too scared to think about pictures, but if I had, they would have been amazing!  But I'm alive, I'll take that instead!

I met up with Caitlyn and her roommates, and we all met Caitlyn's boyfriend James at the Island Pub for dinner. 
 Been a great day so far, Landing safe, Nugget Falls, didn't get eaten by a bear, dinner at the Island Pub, and meeting James.

All of us that did the Chilkoot trail were in Juneau, so it was a Chilkoot reunion, and also Brit and James' birthday.  Brit and James were born on the same day of the same year.

Caitlyn was giving a tour to the glacier, and invited me to tag along.  I love going on her tours.  The tourists love her, and I get to see cool places!  Once again, there a was a bear on the trail by the visitors center.  I feel like there are a lot more bears out and about this trip.  I'm not complaining, its awesome!

There is a bear right in front of these people on the bridge.  (different bridge than the one yesterday)

One morning, just before 6 a.m., I woke up to the sound of a fog horn....that wouldn't stop!   I sat up, yes, this is the view from where I sleep...and I couldn't even see the shore!  There was a cruise ship coming in, and I couldn't see it at all!

It was eerie/cool, watching for the ship to appear.  Eventually the fog disappeared, and it was another beautiful day in Juneau!

The next day....yes, this birthday celebration lasted the whole time I was there...we all went and got pedicures for Brit's birthday.  Stephanie also joined us.

Then we strutted down the streets of downtown Juneau.
That evening, we went to Caitlyn's company party at the Salmon Bake.
Photobomber made for a much more interesting picture!

That evening there was the most amazing sunset I have ever seen!

...and just like that, it was gone.

Dying hair and watching Juneau completed the evening.

The next morning, the ships came in, and then the fog.  A little better situation than having the fog come in first!

Looking down the channel from the bridge, you can see another cruise ship making its way to Juneau.

Julianna, Brit, Caitlyn, James, and Barley
Hangin out in Juneau.

We took these stairs to get up to Stephanie's house.

Caitlyn, Brit, and Julianna
At the end of the road is the trail head to Dupont Beach. It's about a 3 mile hike, and totally worth it!

Weird fungus?

It was a bit slippery and muddy in some places.

Brit out on the pier.

The Chilkoot group!  So fun to all be together!

The last night I was there, we all sat out on the deck and watched as the last cruise ships left.
Amazing trip, thanks guys.

1 comment:

Aileen & Ernie said...

Oh, thank you....... brilliant photos and narrative - both great........ thoroughly enjoyed it. Would love to do that cruise. On my bucket list....... Thank you for sharing Erika. Love to all.