Monday, September 9, 2013

Manor Lands 9/4/2013

We finally made a trip up to Manor's been a while!
We only had time to run up for the day, the those trips are fun too.

Time to check out our machines.

 Dead battery on this one, kind of figured that so came prepared and Dean and Grandpa had that battery replaced and ready to go!

 Grandpa was pretty excited to show off his chainsaw.

Dean and I took off to do the Lily Lake loop.  It's such a beautiful ride.

One of the machines was having serious problems!  We needed to get it home so we could have it worked on.  We were thinking that we would make another trip up with the trailer and bring it home, but these guys had another idea.  They were so proud of themselves for being able to get it into the back of the van!  They did have to let air out of the tires because the 4-wheeler was a little too tall.  There was no wiggle room after they got it in the van.

 Grandpa managed to get covered in stickers.  Here is Dean helping him get them out of his clothing.

Fun day up in the Uintahs.


mommaquincy said...

How fun! Dean is turning into his Dad! Watch out for some wierd headgear!

Summer said...

This post is awesome in so many ways....especially the 4-wheeler in the van!! Grandpa has the best ideas - minus the underwear wearing to cover his ears.