Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Caitlyn's demands

So for those of you on facebook, you may have seen Caitlyn's post:

"Hi. I haven't seen nearly enough baby photos, and you have SO many babies! Like babies in baskets, babies yawning, babies eating babies, babies on other babies, babies sleeping, babies crying, babies wearing clothes that are too big, babies with bows, babies and puppies, ya know, just the basics. Thanks."

So for Caitlyn,

 Like babies in baskets,

 babies yawning, 

babies eating babies, 

babies on other babies, 

babies sleeping,

babies crying,  

babies wearing clothes that are too big,

 babies with bows,

 babies and puppies, 

ya know, just the basics. Thanks.


Aileen & Ernie said...

It is about time, we agree with Caitlyn. WE WANT MORE!! WE WANT MORE!!! Thanks for those, they are gorgeous.

Caitlyn said...

Hahahaha! This is amazing! You're the best! thanks!

Anonymous said...

The cuteness just blew my mind.

mommaquincy said...

You guys have so many cute babies! I think you need some more Dex pictures, too!

Fierce Fit N Fabulous said...

Haha!! I'm sooo glad you did this!! Love it!

steve and aida said...

:) This made me smile!