Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 3 Juneau Alaska

Sunday, July 14, 2013
Started this day off with 9 a.m. church in the Mendenhall Valley.  Felt pretty familiar.  Afterwards, we headed out to Douglas Island, where Caitlyn had told us about a short hike at the end of the road.  On our way out we stopped to see the salmon in the river.  There were so many!  It really is a strange sight.
We hiked the trail Caitlyn recommended, and it was awesome.

See the bald eagle in the tree?

 I cannot believe the vegetation there.  It really is a rain forest.  So amazing!
 This is taken from the bridge that connects Juneau with Douglas Island.  See all those cruise ships?  That means Caitlyn is very busy!

While we were waiting for Caitlyn to get off work, we decided to hike a trail called "Trail of Time" up by the Mendenhall Glacier.  We kind of like it up there!
 It also seemed to be a great spot for finding bears.  Caitlyn had just seen a mother and her cub up there, and Dean had yet to see a bear. 

 We didn't see any bear on this hike, but once again, saw some amazing scenery!

 After Caitlyn and Amanda got off work, they took us to this yummy burger joint in Auke Bay.
In the picture above, Caitlyn and Amanda are watching the tank full of live lobsters.

This picture is taken on the Brotherhood Bridge hike.  It was about 9:30 p.m. and we decide to go for a hike!  It stays light for so long you totally lose track of what time it is.
Another awesome day in Juneau!

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Some amazing pictures of beautiful places!