Friday, October 14, 2011


Our kids left Janna's cabin (you can read the cabin post here) Saturday night so they could drive to Phoenix Sunday morning. Braden's boss flew him up to SLC so he could drive a big truck loaded with cabinets down to a job in Phoenix. Amanda and Caitlyn decided to ride in the truck back to Phoenix with Braden, and then on Wednesday, we would all meet in Kanab, and we would take Amanda and Caitlyn back with us, and Braden would drive back to Phoenix. Oh yeah, we also got to play with Dex while the kids were in Phoenix.

So Dean, Dex and I headed down to Kanab on Tuesday.

Dex loved playing with the little Jenson boys!

Jaxon caught this praying mantis and the kids played with it constantly...'till they lost it, somewhere in the house!

Poor Dex was so worn out....and apparently so was the moose behind him, they have the same pose.

Jeff and Julie's house has amazing views...all the way around. As you can see, the weather wasn't great, so our plans to go to Lake Powell with our kids were scratched. The kids stayed in Phoenix for Wednesday, and we got to hang out with the Jensons.

Dex found someone's ice cream, and tried to use the spoon, but it was so much more efficient for him to just shove it in his mouth with his hand.

I was showing Cristian how cool my new lens was, so he took a few shots with it, and I'm glad he did, cuz I didn't take very many pictures.
Cute Savanah

Happy Jeff

Handsome Derek

So our kids arrived in Kanab on Wednesday night around 9 p.m. Braden informed us he had another flight to SLC from Phoenix, so he could drive another load of cabinets down to Phoenix. In order to make his flight, he had to get up at 5:30 a.m. and drive to Phoenix. He would be landing in SLC at 4 p.m., which meant it was going to be close to see if he beat us to SLC. We timed it so we all got to SLC at about the same time. This is awesome! We get Braden two weekends in a row.

1 comment:

Michelle Perry said...

What an awesome boss.... haha