Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dex winterizing the sprinklers

If Grandpa is outside working on something, you can bet Dex is close behind! Time to winterize the sprinkler system.
We had to dress Dex warm, and he thought these gloves were awesome!

When we put his fingers in the right slots, it was even better!

Now it's time to get to work.
Sorry, he was just so stinkin' cute in this hat I couldn't help snapping a bunch of pictures!

Dean would force the water out, and as soon as Dex could figure out which sprinkler was going to spray, he would take off running for it.

After working that hard, it's time for these boys to play a little.
Our neighbor let Dex pick out his very own pumpkin. That was one happy Dex!


Nicole said...

He is too stinking cute with the hat and gloves, following Grandpa around! Love it!

kcooper said...

Didn't know it was possible but he really is getting cuter

mommaquincy said...

Thank goodness! Its been too long since you posted pictures of Dex! He is getting so grown up!

Summer said...

He is so cute. I can't believe how grown up he is. This is such a fun age. Your grass looks beautiful, BTW. This season is the time when I don't really miss SLC (the leaves, yes, but not the cold) - we're still in shorts and T-shirts here. Bring that grandson of yours out to visit sometime.

Mary said...

Oh, I hope I get to see Dex when we're in town for Thanksgiving. Please share that boy! Or should I be asking Manda?