Saturday, April 2, 2011

Have I ever told you how awesome I think my kids are?

Amanda is training for her first half marathon. She wanted to come out by our house and run one of our favorites routes for her long run, and let us tend Dex. When she got here, I could tell she was a little nervous about the run (she's had lots of problems with one of her knees). We packed up her water belt, and went through our checklist to make sure she had everything she would need. I told her to call us if there was any trouble and we would come get her. This was going to be her longest run she has ever done. I had just done this route yesterday. I know it very well, and wanted her to be comfortable with the route, and know everything that I do about this run. Dean stayed home with Dex while I drove Amanda up to the very end of the Rose Canyon road. While I was driving it, it seemed sooooo long! I don't remember it taking that long to get to the starting point. I was telling Amanda all the land marks along the way, "when you get to this point, you have run 5 miles" and "when you get here, you only have 1 mile to go", etc. As I dropped her off, she was all alone, miles from home. When we got to the starting point, she got out of the car and just started running. Didn't hesitate or even look back at all.
When I got home, I told Dean I wished I could run this run for her. I would have felt a little better if I could have at least run the route with her, but after running a race last Saturday, and a long run yesterday, I would only be asking for trouble if I ran another long run today. She had to do this on her own. I decided we needed pictures of her doing her long run. When we found her, she was further along in the run than I had expected her to be. She was looking so strong, and kept such a great pace. I asked if I could take her jacket or anything, and without even stopping, as she passed us, she told me everything was going good.
Earlier this morning, Dean had run his long run, doing a different route, and had dropped his gloves and extra shirt along the way. We decided to gather his stuff up from his run while we were out. We decided to swing around again to see how far Amanda had run, and when we found her the second time, she only had 1/2 mile left!

Dean, Dex and I were waiting out on the front lawn to cheer her on as she finished her run.
She did so great on this run! She said she loved coming down the canyon just as I had hoped she would. She didn't have any knee pain, or any other issues, other than blisters, but that's to be expected. She did awesome!

So many things about this morning reminded me of the many experiences we've had to watch our kids go through (like college, law school, missions, running marathons, moving away from home, relationships, etc). I knew this run would make Amanda stronger, and give her the confidence she needs to step up to the start line of the Ogden Half Marathon. It never fails, these guys step up and and finish stronger than I ever could!

Hats off to Amanda, Braden, Caitlyn, and Mike for being such amazing people.


Aileen said...

You have to start with wonderful parents to have wonderful children. Parents who show love, compassion and how to handle adversity. Also how to face up to your challanges and keep going. Congratulations Erika and Dean for having awesome children and congratulations to your children for learning their lessons from you and are willing to pass those lessons on to the next generation. We, too, are proud to know you.

Summer said...

Inspiring post. I need some grandparents to live close so I don't have to lug 3 kids along when (that's a BIG when) I run.

bethany said...

You're pretty cool, erika. I loved that post.

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

Amanda is a babe! Always had been. Tell her October I wanna run a half and I want her to do it with me. I am already thinking about the trip (to Utah) and race... for real!!! PS Your a great mom!!

mommaquincy said...

They have good genes! Way to go Amanda!

betsyhoenes said...

I know what you mean about wanting to run for them. When Erin ran her first marathon last year Bart and I leapfrogged to run with her but ultimately it was all her. I thought we would both cry at hte end but we just hugged and hugged! I agree with Aileen about the great parents thing, you guys are awesome parents!

mammasweet said...

Summer, I would live close if I could take my cute house and all my ward with me. The truth about your amazing kids, Erika, is that they have only just begun the tests and they are ready.