Thursday, October 21, 2010

New Mexico Road Trip

Utah State had Friday off for fall break. Erica, Braden, Caitlyn, and Spencer decided that was enough time to jump in the car and drive down to New Mexico to watch BYU's womens soccer game. Braden drove his car full of the "under 25's", and Dean and I drove down in our car.
Friday night we spent at Kent and Kathy's house. When we got there there was a yummy dinner and awesome company waiting for us. It was great to see Kathy, Kent, Ann, Alan, David and Shae, and Marianne and Davis! (kicking myself for not pulling out my camera while everyone was there, we were having too much fun)Saturday morning Kent had breakfast burritos ready for us.
That alone was worth the drive!

Can you tell who is who?
Did you get it right?!
(yes, these guys are really weird)

After a morning run, breakfast burrito, trip to White Rock lookout, it was time to go to the museum and watch the film about the beginning of the town of Los Alamos. We love that museum.

On our way to Santa Fe, we stopped at a Flea Market. Caitlyn and I got these matching necklaces. We thought we were pretty hot.

Next stop was a pizza joint in Santa Fe. Dean went into place our order, and suggested that we go through the Oldest Church in America. We knew it was around there somewhere, but we decided we wouldn't have time to find it, go through it, and get back for when the pizza was ready. So we sat around and talked instead. That pizza took FOREVER! We would have had time, especially since it was right next door! I didn't notice the sign until after Dean had come out with our drinks. Oops!

Next up, the Plaza.... ...then through a really neat church, and on to a couple of thrift stores.

Now it was time to head to Albuquerque to watch the BYU soccer game!
At the game we met up with Grandpa and Grandma Jenson, Janna, Dan, Riley, Tad and Trevor.
(and a bunch of other BYU fans)

It was a great game, except the ending. BYU lost in the second overtime.

Kassidy and Stacy came and hug out with us after the game. We love famous Kass!

We got up Sunday morning and hit the road again. Braden heading the Phoenix, and the 5 of us started our 10 hour drive home. All I wanted was a you think we could find one anywhere?! Had to settle for Wendy's
Isn't this what you do when you stop for lunch? Yoga in the parking lot. Nothing goes better with a frosty than warrior pose and tree pose!

Great trip, thanks guys!


mommaquincy said...

Looks like perfect break time stretches for me!

Mary said...

okay, the two Erik(c)a's had me really confused for a while. You guys are all over the place! Now, if you can drive to NM in a weekend, you can surely come to Sacramento. Talk Connie and Rob into coming out for Thanksgiving weekend. We could do the Davis Turkey Trot 5K if that would tempt you...and that's a big offer cuz I haven't run since I was childless.