Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Here comes Braden, there goes Amanda

It was Braden's fall break, so he came into town Saturday, Oct. 9th. Braden got the whole week off. It just happened to be the same week that Amanda was going to be in Berlin! (you can read about Amanda's trip on her blog here)

It was too bad Braden didn't get to spend more time with Amanda, but he did get to play with Dex. This time, Dex wasn't afraid of his Uncle Braden. He loved him!

Dex stayed at our house from Sunday evening till Tuesday night. We had a blast with him. Then we had to let Dex's other grandparents have a turn.

While Braden was here, he wanted to go up the canyon and check out the fall leaves. Apparently they don't have beautiful canyons like ours in Phoenix. Good choice. The colors were awesome!
It was perfect for taking engagement pictures!
We didn't want to miss this opportunity, so we took this picture of Braden and figured we will just photoshop that special someone in when he figures out who that is.


Jessica said...

Dex is a pretty cute little guy, I can see why you like him. :) You guys are too funny, I love your sense of humor. Braden's engagements have me rolling! It really was a pretty back drop though.

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...! he is too cute! the rest of you are pretty good-looking too. i miss amanda. tell the math people to send her to panama not germany. but, she has to bring dex. =)

Aileen said...

Beautiful photos, as usual, unfortunately we don't have those beautiful colours down here. By the way, Braden, would you like us to send you a nice, fair dinkum Aussie girl to be in those "engagement photos" with you?

Young Ohana said...

Your blog is so much cuter when Dex is in it ;) haha just kidding you guys are all pretty cute. The leaves look amazing!!