Sunday, October 17, 2010

After the Marathon....

Braden, Erika, and Dean
These are our new shirts for running the Runner Series.

While we were recovering from the marathon, Connie and Rob drove us up to see the newest cabin Luke is building. What an awesome cabin! It was such a beautiful drive. Connie and Rob always take such great care of us. Thanks guys.


Rob and Connie

Braden, Erika, and Dean

Great weekend. Friday night we spent the night in St. George. Saturday night we spent at Connie and Rob's. Sunday night we got a hotel in Las Vegas because we had to take Braden to the airport at 5 am. As it turned out, the hotel had a shuttle to the airport, so at 4:30 am we said good-bye to Braden, and we got to go back to bed....only to get a phone call 20 minutes later from Braden, saying he was at security at the airport, and noticed he had the keys to our car in his pocket! So we got to ride the airport shuttle to get our car keys back from Braden.

We drove home to Riverton on Monday. We drove through the coolest looking storm.


mommaquincy said...

Cool cabin! Nice shirts and I love those clouds! Glad you're back! Are you planning to the Snow Canyon race this year? Too soon after your marathon isn't it?

Mary said...

First picture I've seen of Luke's latest cabin. thanks! what a funny las vegas stoory. LUIOHEL says hi.hffddrooling on the keyboared

Young Ohana said...

Braden is Sassy with a capital "S" in that picture! That cabin is sooo cool!! It makes me miss bear lake! ...and that storm is amazing.. i love storm cloud pictures.