Monday, April 12, 2010

A weekend full of family

We got to spend some time with both extended families this weekend. On Saturday we got to go to the Ellis Easter Bash held at the Quincys. Thanks Laura for the pictures, and thanks Quincys for a fun family get together.

Ej, Summer, and Amy

Dean and Scott

Sunday we got to have a fireside at our house for the extended Jenson family. Wayne and Dorleen told us all about their mission, and we got to see their slides of Columbia too.

Cael, Rachel, Corbin, Deena, Braden, and Dean

Deena, Braden, Dean. In the back, Riley, Tad, Krista, and Charity. Next row, Greg, Teri, Kami, Colin, and Dorleen running the projector

In the back, Kassidy, and behind Dan is Drew, then Dan and Janna, Grandpa Jenson, Jordan and Chenelle.

Ej and Kaycee hangin' out by the food

Busy Kaycee

Teri and Grandpa

Drew and Kass, and the animals that represent them....

Jordan...loving every minute of it!

Charity, Dan, Krista, Dean, Chenelle, and Greg

Erika and Deena just hate to get their picture taken.

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for setting such a great example and sharing some of your experiences with us.

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

That's a lot of family alright! I got to say, your dad does look gray! Good luck getting him to the doctor soon!