Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter at the Ellises'

The Easter Bunny came! Braden got a kite, which he gets every year or else he pouts. Caitlyn got a loom, got to have that conference project, and Dean and Erika each got a framed picture of their favorite grandson!

The kids still insist on having an Easter egg hunt...isn't there an age limit on that?

We didn't get Caitlyn till Saturday evening, and then there were people over here till 3 am, so that didn't leave time for coloring after they found all the plain white eggs, Dean insisted on coloring them. Yes Dean, those are lovely!

Jordan and Chenelle came over and watched conference with us. Yay, we love it when we can talk them into visiting us!

Dean and Braden had to fly kites, didn't matter that it was freezing cold out there! That little speck in the sky is Dean's kite.

This is about how high Braden could get his kite. FYI, tails are important on kites!

Can hardly wait for Dex to come play with these two, so at least they can pretend they are doing these things for him!


mommaquincy said...

Looks like fun! Are the Francises coming to town?

Erika Ellis said...

The Francises don't have any plans to come home that I know of, but if Amanda reads this, suprising me for Mother's day would work for me!