Thursday, April 1, 2010

Saying good-bye

I had to wake Dexter up to say good-bye....yeah, he loved that.

How convenient, this kid came with a "mute button"!

Dexter attacks!

Kissing Grandma Ej good-bye

Having to say good-bye to Dex

...but he has the most amazing parents, he will be just fine!

Thanks Mike and Manda for letting me share in the first few weeks of Dexter's life.


Mary said...

He honestly looks sad to see his Grandma going! Planning the next trip yet? You know, California is closer than Virginia if you want to adopt another...

Erika Ellis said...

yep, got tickets for April 29th, but that's way to far away! Adopt another? You bet! this grandma stuff is AWESOME!