Saturday, March 20, 2010

National Half Marathon, Washington DC

I've kind of had my eye on the National Half Marathon in Washington DC. It was on March 20th, the day after Amanda's due date. Didn't make much sense to sign up for it, since I was supposed to be out there to help Amanda with the new baby. Dex changed that by coming 9 days early. Amanda bounced back so quickly, and suggested that I look into running that race. I was too late to register on-line, so yesterday I took my chances, and Amanda, Dex and I drove into DC to sign me up for the run. They still had spots open! There were 12,000 people running this race. I was so excited!

I had to be in DC this morning at 6:30 am, which meant we needed to leave Amanda's house at 4:45 am. What a horrible thing to do to Mike and Amanda. It's not like they have been getting much sleep anyway. Dex struggled last night, so they were already awake before the alarm went off. They got me to the race on time, and then they made a bed for themselves in the back of their car and slept while I ran the half marathon.

This run was amazing! The energy at the start line was so cool! We got to run through downtown DC, past the capitol, Washington Monument, EPA building, and many others. It was hard running and trying to read what each of the buildings were. What an awesome way to see our nation's capital! The crowds along the way really added to the whole experience. Amanda was there at the finish line to cheer me on.

Since we were out, we decided we needed to go to Alexandria, Virginia. It's the "grown-up" version of Winchester. We walked up and down the streets and enjoyed window shopping and the best weather ever. (while looking at these photos, remember none of us have showered, and we've been up since 4 am, and I just ran a half marathon.)

This was our favorite street performer today

After getting lunch, we headed down to the Waterfront.

Dex and his Grandma EJ

The cutest little family

I love watching these two, I mean three!


Erika Ellis said...

You sure look great in those shorts!

Young Ohana said...

that looks and sounds sooo awesome!! What is that huge silver crinkled bunch you are carrying in the first picture?? That video was amazing.. I have always wanted to see that in real life. doesn't she do that in miss congeniality? Looks like your having a blast out there!

mommaquincy said...

That does sound awesome! I guess you didn't get to run through the Smithsoneon? That would be really distracting! I agree they are a very cute family!

Erika Ellis said...

That silver crinkled bunch is a blanket they give you at the finish line to keep you warm when you stop running.
...Dean, maybe we've been apart too long if you are starting to think I look good in my running shorts!

Jessica said...

What a cool race! Sorry for everyone's sleep deprivation. I'm loving all the pictures of Dex, what a cutie.