Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Awkward Home Remedies

So, Dexter is yellowing a bit. We have an appointment with the pediatrician tomorrow, but in the mean time - we decided to let him have some tummy time... naked... in the sunlight. Not that it would really help a ton, but it was a funny experiment.

Manda's face is starting to resemble its former self...

Check out the sexy butt muscles!!!

Looks like Dex wasn't enjoying the fun as much as us...

Seems like we were trying to torture the poor guy. We love him, I swear.


mommaquincy said...

They never like tummy time, but they need to do it everyday, so why not do it naked? He does look very good naked!

mammasweet said...

He's so beautiful and strong! I think you're very smart to give him some tummy time and sunlight.