Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lake Powell

August 31-September 5, 2009

Paul and Carolyn Fountaine, Ferrell and Deann Fountaine, Scott and Penny Broussard, Dean and Erika Ellis, and Fred and Lin Law

We pulled out the ropes and harnesses, and decided to rappel into the water. It was a blast!

Dean and Erika


Then it was Penny's turn....from the look on her face, you could tell something was going wrong

Penny managed to get her feet above her, and wasn't able to get right side up again!

Scott was there to make everything okay....I don't think I have ever seen anything so funny!

Dean and I went exploring and found this really cool slot canyon. We wedged our boat in, and jumped off the front and started swimming...for about an hour, till we finally came to the end of the water, but the slot canyon kept going. So amazing!

On the way home from our adventure, we stopped to make phone calls, and when we tried to start up again, the starter had broken. We had to have Fred tow us home. We had Mike DeMie pick up a new starter for us, take it to the Guests, who were coming down the next morning....Guests' plans changed, so we headed to Page and bought an new starter....Dean installed it....

...and we were up and running again! My Hero!

This was a great trip. Perfect weather, not too crowded, lots of great food, and plenty of adventure!


mommaquincy said...

Looks like you had a blast! The rapelling looks very fun, but like it requires more coordination than I could muster!

Sarah K said...

Amazing! It looks like you guys had a fun trip. And really...who else would snap a picture while her friend was dangling upside down?! So funny!