Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bear Lake

Our friend Odette asked us to help her put a sealant on her driveway up at Bear Lake. We jumped at that chance. We love any chance we get to go up to Bear Lake.

We had a pretty sweet system worked out....Dean would pour the sealer, and slosh it around with the broom, Ej would squeegee off the excess, and Odette would lay it out with the roller to take out any squeegee lines. We got pretty dang good!
The colors up there were amazing! These were taken right by our old cabin.


mommaquincy said...

Hopefully the toes and toenail are all healing up nicely! Have fun!

G'ma J said...

So nice to see Odette, the colors were gorgeous, and I couldn't tell...was that a moose? Lots of fun memories at Bear Lake. I'm totally resisting the urge to put a picture of my bruised toe from walking for several hours around Bogota. It hurt so bad, but I think Dean's takes first place! I found one way to get rid of the bruise was to catch the toenail on the bedspread and lift it up a little. It hurt, but is not even in the "running" to compete with Dean's.

mommaquincy said...

Those fall colors are amazing!

Linda said...

Those colors are amazing!