Monday, September 21, 2009

Sorry for this post.....

I'm going to apologize ahead of time for this post....but it's all part of the experience.

We are 12 days away from running our first full marathon....the St. George Marathon, Oct. 3, 2009. Last week we ran our final long run, 25.24 miles. It was great, and amazing to me to think that I can run that far. Made me so excited for the marathon. I'm no longer wondering if I can do it, I know I can. I felt great after the run, tired muscles, but not sore at all. Then when I went to bed that night, my toe stung. Kind of didn't hurt at all during my run. One of the side effects of putting in that many miles is "black toenails". Yep, that's what my problem was.
I've had black toenails before, but they never hurt, just were ugly. I couldn't put on shoes the next day, so I had to were my Teva's everywhere. I went to play volleyball, and that was not going to happen with closed toe shoes, so I wore my Teva's and it was just fine. Then next couple days, no running, just biking in the open toed shoes.

I was getting nervous, because I have to keep going on my Dean figured out the answer to my problem.
We altered my shoes, and I was able to run 4 miles on Saturday, no toe pain at all!

Dean has also had a few issues with his toenails.


mommaquincy said...

Ouch! and double Ouch! You runners can not be wimps! I think the hole in the shoe thing is a perfect plan, but what is Dean going to do for his toe nail? That does not look like an easy hole in the shoe fix! Good luck!

Ashley Bennion said...

Good Luck - I am excited to hear how your run goes!

Manda said...

Ha ha ha. I love your shoe! What IS Dad going to do? Yuck. Can he run like that? Do I need to send some "toe condoms" out to you guys? He he he.

Summer Wilson said...

You can "pop" the blood out of that toenail and the pain will go away. I remember the ugly feet days back when I was dancing. I often had to stick needles in my black toenails to release the pressure.

Jessica said...

Wow, thanks for the pictures... they say it all! Bold move cutting your shoe, I hope it pays off!! Good luck in your race.

The DiStefano Family said...

Oh man I am dying right now. That can't really be Deaners foot can it? I love that you cut a hole in your shoe to make it work for you and Congrats!! You guys are amazing. I only wish I could run that much. Good luck in St. George!!!

Young Ohana said...

oh goshh....
I was not expecting that lol.


..and sorry about your toes. haha.

Melanie & David said...

It just hurts me to see your sad little black toes! With or without the nails attached :) (His feet look just like Grant'! Must be some Ellis gene...I'm glad I didn't get it haha!)GOOD LUCK on the race!! Remind me to tell you about an old friend's experience with the St George marathon....AFTER you run it :)

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

i think i just threw up in my mouth. yuck. but i am so proud of you both. i keep telling myself to run a half marathon before i get too large and lazy. =)