Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hiking Timpanogos 8-27-09

We (Braden, Erika, and Dean) along with our neighbors Mike and Cathy DeMie, decided to hike to the top of Timpanogos. We took the trailhead that leaves out of the Aspen Grove Campground. That route is 16.6 miles round trip.

This trail is a couple miles longer than the trail that takes off from Timpanookie (sp), but you get to pass some awesome waterfalls on the longer trail.

There were a bunch of Mountain Goats on the hillside. (the picture on the left, not the right!)

Can't even describe the scenery up there! Amazing!

There were these butterflies up on the snow....seemed like a conflict of seasons all along this hike.

In all the rock and snow, there was this really pretty about blooming where you're planted!

That little shed is our goal! Hopefully the Keebler elves will be up there with cookies for us when and if we ever get there!

We made it! (no elves though). There is a book to sign once you make it to the top. We all had to give ourselves incentives to get to the top....Braden could then eat his Twix bar, Ej had a peanut butter and honey sandwich, and Dean had a peanut better and jam sandwich.

Meanwhile, Mike and Cathy had sent us on our way, and decided not to go to the top....that is until an 84 year old man passed them, now they had their motivation. We met them on their way up! All 5 of us made it to the top!

Dean is pointing to a signature that says "the Deaner 8-22-09". Some other "Deaner" came up 5 days earlier.

Sweet rewards!

To the northeast...

To the south...

To the northwest....


mommaquincy said...

Wow! incredible views! No wonder Jason has made that hike so many times!

Manda said...

This is the magical disappearing post. Is it on for good this time? Weird. Cool picture effects though. They look neat-o. Specially the butterfly. I am the biggest complaining, lazy member of the family -- but I just want to get credit for being the first one to hike timp. Back in the 11th ward YW. (We didn't do the 16.6 mile trip though, just the 9 or 10 mile version -- but still -- a little respect, please). Although to be fair, if I had been in SLC this time, I'm sure I would've weaseled my way out of it... so... not that much respect needed, i guess.

Young Ohana said...

Wow... these pictures are awesome! I am definitely going to have to do that at least once. Just another adventure in the life of the Ellis family!