Thursday, October 3, 2019

Manor Lands with Bob and Mary 10/3/2019

We took Dean's parents up to Manor Lands to winterize their cabin.

It was a beautiful day and it was fun to spend time with them.

Dean and Bob worked on getting the well turned off.  Somehow, dirt and rocks had made their way into the pipe that houses the turn-off valve.  They dug, and pounded...

...and even tried to vacuum out the pipe.

There was also a lot of head scratching going on.
Meanwhile, Mary kept busy, doing whatever it is that Mary out the fridge, getting water out of all the toilets and drains, etc.
Grandpa (Bob) took a rest on the large rock pictured below, while Dean kept trying to find a solution to the well pump problem.   Grandpa was looking kind of greenish gray, and said he needed a drink.  I ran up to the cabin to get something for Grandpa to drink, as I was coming back down, I saw Grandpa slumped over, and watched him fall off the rock.  He was unconscious. It pretty impressive that he missed hitting his head on the smaller rocks as he fell.  His head landed in the pile of dirt that Dean and Grandpa made digging out the pipe.  

Dean got Grandpa to sit up, and I used my back to kept him upright while Dean went to get the car.  Dean was only gone for a few minutes.  What a unique few minutes for me.  Back to back, Grandpa and I sat there.  Something about having physical contact with him, and it just being the two of us, and I had my head right close to him, so he could actually hear me.  All of those things are out of the ordinary for us.  It was a tender few minutes for me.

 Dean got the car, and we got Grandpa situated in the front seat, went to get Grandma, and get out of there. The well pump, and anything else that needed to be done could wait. We think the altitude was too high for Grandpa.
Grandpa kept trying to get out of the car to do the things he felt needed to be done.  He had no memory of  passing out.  So scary.
While Grandma was locking up the cabin, Grandpa got out of the car....since he had already escaped from the car, and since it looks like it will be his last trip to the cabin, I decided we needed one last picture of Grandma and Grandpa in front of their cabin.

Bob and Mary
Manor Lands

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