Monday, December 31, 2018

December 2018

So many fun things going on in December!
 Rex helping decorate for Christmas!

 We restrung our Christmas tree, replacing all our lights with LED lights.  Hopefully we won't have any strands go out his year!

 Lots of puzzling!

The kid's tree.

 So much decorating! 

 Cute gifts from siblings.

 We had lots of company in December. Amanda and Nora were here the first week of December.   Jeff and Julie and their family stayed a couple of times, Jeff had several Dr appointments, and had to have his back fused.

 ...long story here....

 Carolers in the back of the truck.

 Choir performance....not quite sure why nobody would stand by Dean.

 ....and Caitlyn came to town!  Braden's kids were more than willing to put on a show for her!

 One of my favorite Christmas traditions is going to the Special Needs Mutual Nativity.  I love these people.  So many sweet friends!

 While Caitlyn was here, she bought a house.

 Birthday dinner at Grandma Ellis' for Braden and Caitlyn.

Dinner at my parents

 Christmas eve dinner at Teri's.

 Christmas songs on the piano, we both think we are getting good!

 All decorated and ready for Christmas!

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