Monday, April 8, 2013


For Easter Weekend we all headed to Vegas!  (all our family except Mike).
Dean, Braden, and my dad re-roofed Dianna's house, while the rest of us spent tons of time at the pool!

 Dean's brand new smart phone may have been left on the bumper of our car, and fell off and got run over many times!  

Braden and Hanna brought us up a new one, so Hanna taught us how to use the new phone.  Amanda and Caitlyn also got new phones, so they also were learning what their phones could do.  So even though this picture makes it look like nobody was interacting with each other, they really were, it was so fun!

Thanks to my kids for making the drive.  I loved having you all together!


Amy said...

One of the sweetest things in life is being with all the kids. Glad you got to spend some time with yours. Love the smiles on those babies!

Aileen & Ernie said...

Typical Mum - a phone in each hand doing 2 things at once!! Beautiful photos - thanks.

mommaquincy said...

How cool! Great idea for an Easter Bash!