Saturday, April 13, 2013

Fun week with the Kiwi's

When we were in New Zealand and Australia we were invited to stay in homes of some amazing people.  After our trip, Dean, Caitlyn and I talked about how fun that was, and we agreed that we should open our home to people too.  A couple of weeks ago, Caitlyn was at the Salt Lake Temple, and met this family that was in town for Conference.  They were from New Zealand.  Caitlyn told them that they really needed to stay in our home while they were in town.  I think they were a little weirded out by that.  They agreed to stay for a couple nights.  They arrived on Monday, about an hour after we got home from our Las Vegas trip.  We had such a great time with them.  They decided we were ok, and stayed the whole week with us!

Meet the Tutai Family

 Jacinta, Whitney, TJ, Dean, Ted and Molly.

TJ just recently returned home from serving a mission in Brisbane Australia.

Chenelle, Jordan, Caitllyn, Amanda, Dex, Ted, Whitney, Jacinta, TJ Molly, Erika, and Nora.
This was the last dinner we had with our new friends.   They were leaving the next morning.
It was hard saying goodbye!


mommaquincy said...

Its a good thing you have a huge table! How fun!

Aileen & Ernie said...

Very much runs in the family doesn't it? I mean picking up strangers from strange countries and inviting them to stay with you. Your whole family has always been open hearted, that is one of the reasons we love you all so much.