Sunday, December 30, 2012

Family pictures

I have to get these babies used to having a million pictures taken of them!
Here are Ellie and Miles at 3 weeks old.

 At this point, I think Dex may have had enough picture taking!

I love this picture of the babies!
I love the babies!

 We had everyone together for Christmas!  

My kids are awesome.  Everyone was really busy, and had places they needed to be.  We were down to the last few hours that it would be possible for us all to be together.  They all drove out to our house, just so I could have my picture.  That meant Mike and Manda getting all packed up, (no small task!)
Caitlyn driving across the valley, and Braden and Hanna leaving the Rushton get together to sit and smile for me.  I love the picture, but I love that my kids would do this for me so I could have my picture.

 Mike and Amanda's family now account for half our family!

 We couldn't talk Caitlyn into getting into this picture with us.

Dex on the other hand....if he sees a picture is about to be taken, he doesn't hesitate to jump in!

 We love our newlyweds!


Mary said...

Those babies are so dang cute! I don't know how Mike and Manda manage--could I please come out and nanny for a while? Min thinks Dean shrunk in the picture of you two. His exact words were, "Dean keeps getting smaller and smaller!" We love your family. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

mommaquincy said...

That is real love, when they will come and be in a family picture! I only got the grandkids. They still seem to love me!

Amy said...

Love the pictures of those grandkids and the adults too. Glad you were able to make the logistics work out!

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

I will join Mary in nannying! What fun that would be. :-) Those babies are so sweet. Miles looks like Amanda and Elinor like Mike - is that what you all see?