Saturday, December 1, 2012

Elinor and Miles 11-29-12

Mike and Amanda and Dex have been staying at our house for the last 10 days. We live about a mile from the hospital where Amanda was planning to deliver.  She has been so ready to deliver, the doctor says he has no idea how those babies are staying in there. Thursday morning, Amanda was scheduled for a non-stress test at 10:30 am.  The plan was for Mike to go to work, Dean to tend Dex, and I would take Amanda to her appointment.  Just as I was getting out of the shower, Amanda informed me that we had get over to the hospital, her water broke!.  So as we are running out the door, I made her pose for a couple more pictures with this tummy at it's fullest! 

When we got to the hospital and they checked Amanda, they thought she would deliver right away so we quickly called Mike, and told him to hurry!  Amanda still didn't think she was in labor, no really strong contractions, but dilated to a 8-9.  Nurse was freaking out but the doctor told her Amanda had been like this for 5 weeks now.  The nurse couldn't believe the doctor ever let her leave the hospital 4 weeks ago.  Because of the water situation, Amanda WAS going have these babies today!

Because Amanda was having twins, they have to deliver in the operating room in case they needed to do an emergency C-section.  Mike had to "suit up", and Amanda got to wear this "lunch lady" hat.

...and away they go!

Our friend Codi was Amanda's nurse, so she "accidentally" left the monitor on in the room where we were waiting so we could see what happened, and when.  We were all standing around this little monitor cheering!
This shows when Elinor was born!
(the brown writing says "Delivered female (baby A)")

This shows when Miles was born.  
(writing says "Delivered head (baby B) Delivered Male (baby A)")
We knew at this point there was to be NO emergency C-section!

Shortly after, down the hall comes Amanda, Elinor and Miles!!!  We thought the babies would have to go to the NICU for sure.  Not these kids!  Elinor weighed in at 6 pounds 1 ounce, and Miles was an even 6 pounds. 

Dr. England and Amanda

Mike and his daughter Elinor

Mike, Elinor, and Nurse Codi.

Love this picture!

Miles, 40 minutes old

Elinor, 50 minutes old
Codi made this hat for Elinor so we could tell which one was the girl and which one was the boy.  At this point we had just met them, and had no idea which was which without checking the diaper!  The hat helped a lot!
Aunt Caitlyn and Elinor

Two happy grandmas!  A baby for each of them.

Dean is holding Miles Dean, and Jean is holding Elinor Jean.

In this picture, they are almost an hour old!


Both babies have lots of dark hair

 Meanwhile, Dex was over at the Perrys' having a great time playing.  Thanks so much Michelle!!!

Finally, Dex gets to meet the "babies" we have told him about for so long.  He could not have cared less!

Totally NOT interested!

 He is going to be an awesome big brother.

Less than 48 hours later, Amanda, Elinor and Miles were all released from the hospital!
Dex checking out Miles.

 We love you Elinor and Miles, welcome to our family!!!!


Unknown said...

Congratulations to all of you! What a huge group effort to let those babies grow as long as possible and get them here safely. We're so happy for you.

Love, Davis & Marianne

Danny and Lauren's Blog said...

Oh man are the CUTE! I am so proud of Amanda! Amazing she had no c-section. She has always been talented, but she can add this to the top of the list!!

mommaquincy said...

So cool! I am very happy for all of you! How are they doing at sleeping and eating?

Banana said...

Made me cry. Don't know if I am happy, tired or overwhelmed for her. She will be a great twin mom!

Summer said...

Beautiful babies. I can't believe they were both 6lbs.!! Two full size babies were in her tummy - amazing. We are so happy for all of you guys. In a few years you will all get to sleep again.... hopefully. :) Congrats, Mike and Amanda.

kcooper said...

Love this and my moms comment. Who knew Janna had a heart?! Amanda and babies made her cry!

steve and aida said...

Wow! It is awesome that Amanda and babies are doing so well! How happy! I am just amazed!

Mary said...

Wow! What a good story--I've been wondering the details of the birth, C-section or not. I guess we'll depend on you, Erika for the story, since it doesn't seem likely that Amanda will be blogging:) Is everyone doing well now that the babies are a week old?