Saturday, December 8, 2012

A day full of pictures

This morning was our ward Christmas breakfast.  I was asked to take family pictures for anyone that wanted them.
 When there was a lull, Dex was willing to step in and get his picture taken!

 After we ate breakfast, guess who showed up?  The Grinch!
Dex watches "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" almost every time he comes to our house, year round!  He was so excited, and nervous!

 Notice Dex has a hold of Grandpa Deaner's ear, and there was no way he was taking his eyes off of the Grinch!

 Eventually he talked himself into going up to the Grinch all by himself.

 I love this kid!

After the ward party, I had to go down and hold babies!
Tough job, but somebody has to do it!

This afternoon I got to take my niece's Christmas card pictures.  The snow made for some pretty cool shots!

(Used with Kassidy's permission)

1 comment:

mommaquincy said...

Lots of cool pictures! I love that Dex still holds ears when needed.