Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dean and I have been able to go to Education week all week long....I absolutely love going, but it does make life a little crowded!  
 Tuesday we got up early so we could be down at BYU at 8:30 a.m. so we could start with the first hour of classes offered.  I get to go to a variety of classes, while Dean has to go to all the legal classes so he can earn his CLE (continuing legal education) credits.  He has to get 24 hours of credit every 2 years.  
Tuesday was also my birthday.  I was so excited for Dex to come up, and Manda too, but Dex has faithfully watched our tomato plants grow, and we finally got a ripe tomato!

 Krista, Kendra, Chandler, and James came over to visit for my birthday, and to give me a really cool fishing tool set.  They were here for the picking of our tomato!

I'm new at this gardening stuff, but correct me if I'm wrong, but this green pepper looks a little small to me.  Anyone ever grown a green pepper?  Did it get any bigger than the one shown here?!

  Dex and I went in and ate our tomato.  
Dex was excited about it, but I don't think he really liked eating it.

Now back to Education week....
I went to a class about organizing your home.  Wednesdays lecture was about having a functional and efficient kitchen.  So I came home and emptied out my cubboards, just like the instructor said to do.  I was interrupted by Dean, reminding me that we had a concert to go to, and had to leave NOW! 
So I wasn't able to to finish my project...
Yep, this is how my kitchen looked when we left.

We went to the concert, and got home late, and had to get up early Thursday morning to head back down to Provo for another day of awesome classes.
Dean was just a little annoyed at me for jumping into the project, because we were having a dinner party at our house Thursday evening!  Oops, my bad.
We got home from classes and I worked my tail off putting my kitchen back together, making the dinner, and  then putting on the facade that I had things under control as our guests showed up.

Yes, this is what my kitchen looked like as the bishops and their wives started arriving.

We had a great evening....but I have to admit, I am a little tired!

Tomorrow is our last day of classes.  I have LOVED the one on organization.  Others that I have really enjoyed are "Finding funding for Graduate Schools", "Busting the myths about learning a foreign language as an adult", and "Being the best person you can be".


mommaquincy said...

I need that organization class! The nice thing about emptying all your cupboard is that it forces you to reorganize! Good move! Happy Birthday to someone who doesn't seem to be getting any older!

mammasweet said...

No wonder you were too busy to call back. Happy late birthday, love. My green peppers are pretty much like the ones in Costco. Not to my credit, mind you, but to Rob's- the green thumb gardener.

Summer said...

I had a really hard time growing peppers in salt lake. A few times i got some nice ones, but i think the growing season is too short for peppers - they have a long growing season. good work on the garden - it can be addicting.