Monday, April 30, 2012


 Dex came in from outside today and said "Grandma, I want you to see me crying".  Of course, I grabbed the camera!
Then he wanted to make sure I got a picture of his tear.


mommaquincy said...

So real tears or an act?

Mary said...

I'm wondering the same thing as Chris. He is a GOOD actor if it was just for the camera:)

Ambs said...

HAHAHAHA! Kids are so funny...

Erika Ellis said...

I think he hurt his finger, and then decided to come in to see if he could milk it a little for Grandma! He was able to produce impressive tears, but his crying needed PHONY!!

Aileen said...

Oh phoney as you say, but OH SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! He has you all well and truly under control.