Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 7

Day 7
Dex loves talking on the phone.  We started off in different rooms, but he made his way to right in front of me, but we kept the conversation going!

 Runner up photos:
Caitlyn is officially his favorite... when the three of us, Me, Dean and Caitlyn,  Dex was most excited to see Caitlyn!
Dex holding my "gray card" so I could get my white balance correct.

This kid loves Elmo!


Aileen said...

This is truly awesome, a picture and comments every day. Loving it. Looking forward to the next 358.

mommaquincy said...

Great pix! Of course he likes Caitlyn best! We have the same thing going on with Jonathan and all our grandkids. Its just not fair, is it?