Thursday, December 1, 2011

And then there was the dinner

I promised Braden a post before midnight, so here's a quick post of our Thanksgiving.

As I mentioned in the previous post, our Thanksgiving plans had to change because of a death in the family. We had told the Gublers they could stay at our house while we were gone. We were so glad they were willing to stay with us even though our plans changed and we were going to be in town after all. It was so fun to have them here!

I got this idea for name cards on Pinterest. Thought they were so cute, especially when all 36 of them were lined up!
Mike likes zombies, so we made his a little special, after all, what's Thanksgiving without a zombie turkey?

The family, chillin after the race. I have to admit, seeing everyone in their matching t-shirts and finisher medals for hours after the race made me really happy.


Dex thought playing on the treadmill with the kids was the best!
I love his face in this picture....pure joy!

I think we ended up with 36 Jenson's for Thanksgiving.
Can't thank Dean and my kids enough for covering for me when I needed to be elsewhere.
They put on an awesome party!

For the record Braden, I made it, with time to spare!